Are there any programs which are paying $ 50 to $ 100 for data entry?
Yes, there are lots of programs that can pay you upto 50 - 100 $ for data entry jobs, but this depends upon the type of jobs you undertake and you can improve your skills of selecting the high paying data entry jobs quickly.
Are data entry jobs full time or part time?
It totally depends upon your choice like how do you want to take work from home jobs in your life, there are both full time and part time jobs available. Basiaclly its not like full time or part time its simply the fact that more you work more you will earn.
Are there any basic qualification for data entry jobs?
No other basic qualification other than knowledge of computer and internet browsing. Good english and typing speed can be added advantage.
Are data entry job only for US residents?
It will depend upon the provider whome they want to assing the jobs.
How much time do i need to spend?
Its your call.
How much can I earn through this part time work?
The more you work more you will earn
How often I am paid?
Depends upon the particular work from jobs website you may have join. Normally most of the site have circle of monthly payment or if a threshold payment like $100 or something like that. Check the website terms and conditions for more.